Pacific Extruded Curbs: Experts in extruded concrete curbing and asphalt maintenance covering the entire state of Oregon.

1863 Pioneer Pkwy. E., Suite 662
Springfield, Oregon 97477
February 6, 2018
RE: Pacific Extruded Curbs – Change of Ownership
Note: Please Forward to All Concerned Personnel
As of Feb. 5th, 2018, Pacific Extruded Curbs has been purchased by Brian Sugg, owner of Aegis Asphalt Sealcoating. The previous owner, Mike Griffiths, will continue acting in an advisory role as needed to ensure a smooth and welcoming transition. Brian and his combined team will continue operating the business with the same quality, safety and reliable service that you have experienced in the past.
Brian’s name may sound familiar to you. He has worked as a project manager in construction in Eugene since 2008. He has worked for local construction companies such as Lease Crutcher Lewis and Delta Sand and Gravel. His wealth of construction knowledge will be an asset to each one of you. The merger between Pacific Extruded Curbs and Aegis Asphalt Sealcoating will allow the company to offer extruded concrete curbs, asphalt paving, crack sealing, sealcoating, line striping and miscellaneous exterior specialties.
To learn more about these services, please visit and like them on Facebook. Feel free also to link with Brian on LinkedIn. I know he looks forward to meeting you all again.
The following required insurance certificates will be forwarded shortly:
– Federal I.D. # 26-4493590 Hybrid Construction, LLC dba Aegis Asphalt Sealcoating
– CCB#186103
– DBE ESB Cert ID #10139
The phone number for Pacific Extruded Curbs will remain the same, 541.344.6753. Brian’s phone number is 541.501.2309 and his email is
The new mailing address for Pacific Extruded Curbs, as of Feb. 5th, 2018, is:
1863 Pioneer Pkwy. E.
Suite 662
Springfield, Oregon 97477
When corresponding with or sending payments to Pacific Extruded Curbs for work concluded before Feb. 5th, 2018, please use our old address:
P.O. Box 584
Pleasant Hill, Oregon 97455
Griffiths Investments, Inc. has enjoyed our business relationship with Pacific Extruded Curbs. We have worked with Brian before and we know that, with his understanding of construction, he will continue to provide excellent service and quality products exceeding ODOT standards.
Mike Griffiths, Previous Owner
Brian P. Sugg, New Owner